Maggie Bishop, Mystery and Romance Author

100 Incredible ECU Women

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One Shot too Many
Perfect for Framing
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Boone Fictional World
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"It is both humbling and exhilarating to be officially declared ‘incredible,’" said Maggie Bishop of her award presented on October 17, 2007.

ECU Incredible Women banner

Maggie Bishop, one of 100 Incredible ECU Women

As a part of the East Carolina University’s centennial celebration, the Women’s Roundtable chose one hundred ECU alumnae for their Legacy of Leadership. Chancellor Steve Ballard and his wife Nancy declared leadership a core value of the university and honored the incredible women and guests at their home in Greenville, NC, on October 16.

Maggie Bishop’s medallion was awarded in the Fine Arts category for her career as a novelist. "I started with romance but turned to murder," says the Boone, NC, resident. "I am in awe of some of the other award winners."

A few of the other winners are Sandra Yow, 8 time National Coach of the Year for NC State’s Women’s basketball; Margaret O’Connor, director of news design for the New York Times; Emily Procter, currently acting as Detective Calleigh Duquesne on CSI:Miami; Deborah Hooper, President and General Manager of WFMY News 2, Greensboro, NC; Cassandra Bell, news anchor at WITN-TV 7 and novelist; Linda McMahon, CEO and Co-Founder of World Wrestling Entertainment; Jeanne Piland, mezzo-soprano first with the New York City opera before moving to the Duesseldorf, Germany, opera; and Jean Preston, North Carolina senator.

Kay Chalk, Chair of the Women’s Roundtable, stated, "the 100 Incredible ECU Women being honored are recognized by their peers as outstanding leaders who have brought honor to the university as well as themselves."

Emmy Award-winning Cokie Roberts, keynote speaker, peppered her speech with insight and wisdom.

Incredible ECU woman program